Harry Singer Foundation
In 1988, our family founded The Harry Singer Foundation, a nonprofit private operating foundation. The foundation concentrates its educational efforts on K-12, young adults 16-24 and workforce development. From the cash flow of Wellington Financial Group LLC, we are able to fund specific pilot programs. Once established, the pilots expand jointly through cooperation with other grant makers, operating foundations, and corporate philanthropy.
We have gone through many changes over the years in education. The expanding needs in underserved communities and those at risk continue to grow. We believe that reading and literacy is the cornerstone of a successful life, and we lend our support to organizations specifically tasked with this goal.
Today, HSF operates two key programs designed to develop individual agency and learning skills for a successful future.
Key Programs
Infinity Learning Maps is a unique learning methodology designed to develop student agency. There are no other programs being offered in the United States like it.
Foundation4Innovation competition is backed by our foundation and aligned to the SBA (Small Business Administration) format for writing a business plan, and covers many of the standards for financial literacy, innovation, critical thinking, technological proficiency and college/career readiness.
For more information on The Harry Singer Foundation, please visit our website www.singerfoundationsf.org